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Bright Spots in Healthcare

Jun 24, 2021

Value-based care requires new thinking in both how we pay for care (i.e. alternative payment models) and how we engage consumers to seek care (i.e. benefit design). During this podcast, A. Mark Fendrick, MD, Director of the Center for Value-Based Insurance Design at the University of Michigan, discusses the origins and...

Jun 11, 2021

When intrinsic motivation isn't enough, a different approach to close gaps and increase satisfaction is needed. We know that rewards are effective, particularly with Medicaid members, but what's the magic number, reward, or incentive that sparks action? Our panel of experts - MaryAnn Faralli of Highmark Health Options -...

Jun 4, 2021

With healthcare costs skyrocketing, one employer found a solution to the high cost of providing healthcare to associates and their dependents. In 1991, Harris Rosen, President & COO, Rosen Hotels & Resorts actively took control of the hotel chain’s healthcare spending with extremely successful results: healthier...